Articles posted by Dr. Allan Hawryluk

attaching screws to the denture supported by dental implants.

Overdentures offer Impressive Benefits

Removable implant dentures, also known as overdentures, are a type of dental prosthetic which dental implants support, rather than natural teeth or gums. St. Lawrence Dentistry loves how satisfied patients are with the result of this treatment. Implant dentures offer several benefits over traditional dentures, making them popular for patients missing multiple teeth. Dr. Hawryluk

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a tooth with a magnifying glass on a black background

Top 10 Dental Myths

Dental health is an essential aspect of all-around health, and people often believe in various myths about dental care. Unfortunately, these myths can lead to puzzlement and may result in inadequate dental hygiene practices or unnecessary treatments. This article will examine the top 10 dental myths and provide the truth behind them. Myth 1: Brushing

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a beautiful girl with her eyes close

Advantage And Disadvantage Of Sedation Dentistry

Since 2005 St. Lawrence Dentistry has provided General Anesthesia (Dentistry Asleep) with a team of Board Certified Medical Anesthetists known as Surgiservices. It helps patients through more uncomfortable procedures and can help overcome their fear of dentists. Some patients experience anxiety and dental fear, which prevents them from getting the proper dental care and treatment.

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smiling man wearing a black t-shirt with a black background

Internal Tooth Bleaching

Internal tooth bleaching is a valuable treatment for a discolored front tooth that won’t respond to traditional whitening. We use it because conventional external tooth whitening therapies won’t work when a tooth becomes injured from trauma or a root canal. So instead, exclusively internal bleaching can help. About Internal Bleaching St. Lawrence Dentistry does internal

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girl portrait with a alignment in her face

Tooth Reshaping

If you have minor dental imperfections, slightly overlapping or irregularly shaped teeth, or excessively pointed cuspid teeth, you may want to visit St. Lawrence Dentistry for tooth reshaping. This cosmetic dental procedure deals with subtle changes to the teeth that could make a big difference in a person’s overall appearance and self-confidence. Tooth reshaping removes

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man pouring blue liquid in a small cup

The Type of Mouthwash You Use Matters

Mouthwashes are liquid rinses. Many types of mouthwash are available over the counter and by dentists scripts, with various active components that aid in managing oral hygiene. Bacteria in the mouth cause cavities, gum inflammation, bone loss, and bad breath. Therefore, effective biofilm control is critical. There are two broad types of mouthwash products: cosmetic

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lady holding a bottle of mouthwash and a cup

Hydrogen Peroxide As An Oral Rinse

Mississauga residents have many choices for oral rinses. Hydrogen peroxide rinse is a gentle antiseptic used to ease minor mouth tenderness (e.g., attributable to canker/cold sores, gum inflammation, dentures, and orthodontic appliances). Hydrogen peroxide was developed in 1818 by French chemist Louis Jacques Thénard (1777–1857), and dental practices have used it for nearly 100 years.

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image of the teeth

Dental Recession: A Treatable Condition

Dental Recession is a common treatable condition often seen at St. Lawrence Dentistry. In health, the gum (gingival) margin typically extends about 1mm above the “cementoenamel junction” or “CEJ”. It is a slightly visible anatomical border identified on a tooth. The CEJ is where the enamel, which covers the anatomical crown of a tooth, and

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tooth on a table

Ensuring Great Strength Of Zirconia Crowns

A crown or “cap” covers a tooth or a dental implant. Dr. Hawryluk recommends crowns to support broken, weak, or misshapen teeth. One of the main dental crowns made at St. Lawrence Dentistry is the zirconia crown. They have quickly become one of the most requested dental crowns for good reasons. Zirconium dioxide, a white

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A wall clock and a lamp are placed next to a guy who is sleeping on a bed with an open window.

Sleep Patterns can influence Dental Health

Sleep is a recurring state of mind distinguished by altered consciousness, inhibited sensory activity, reduced muscle activity, and inhibition of almost all voluntary muscles during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and fewer interactions with surroundings. We will discuss sleep deprivation and how it’s impossible to enjoy optimal dental and overall health when you are a

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